Tuesday, 11 November 2014

George V Post Box on Bennett Street

This George V Postbox (SK14 26) on Bennett Street is one of the oldest post boxes in Hyde and stands outside what was formerly a sub post office.

The last collection time given for postbox SK14 26 is 5.30pm Mon-Fri (11.00am Sat) but a change notice has been affixed reading:
"In order to improve efficiency we're reviewing our mail collection arrangements and revising collection times. From 15th September 2014, the final collection from this postbox will be made no earlier than 9.00am Monday to Friday and 7.00am on Saturday."
In other words (correct me if I've got it wrong) previously if you posted a letter before 5.30pm it would be definitely collected that day - now if you post a letter after 9.00am it may not get collected until the following day - efficiency for whom?

A contribution to Ruby Tuesday and Our World Tuesday.


  1. Nice post and picture. Yes hardly efficient for those wishing to post a letter at any time.

  2. Not for the customer, the efficiency. I think we may still have carrier pigeon on the Isle of Man, or it just feels like that. We do have the red letter box still though.

  3. Great street shot and love the red post box ~

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol
    A Creative Harbor

  4. That's definitely not efficiency or convenience for the customer.

  5. Nice street scene. That is a rare stuff you captured.

  6. I like how they think it's more 'efficient' to make people post their mail 8 1/2 hours earlier?! I think they need to give their postbox a fresh lick of paint too!

  7. We will soon have post boxes that do not collect post!

  8. Hahahaha
    Ya, that's a strange post for sure. It's difficult for a 'commoner' like me to get my head around. Come again?

  9. It's rare to find a mailbox. The few that we do have are blah compared to the character of your post box.

  10. Gerald, The next time you're in Mossley (don't pretend that you never come to Mossley) if you want to see a particularly old post box, get yourself to the bottom of Micklehurst Road (a terrace of old 19th century cottages, on the left after you have passed the junction with Station Road). There, you'll see a charming post box, set into the wall of a house, and from the reign of Queen Victoria. I think that, somewhere on the internet (it may be on the Tameside MBC official website) there is a list of the locations of Victorian era postboxes surviving in Tameside. Happy searching.
