Wednesday, 19 November 2014

ABC Wednesday: S is for Saturday stalls

Some new stalls have been setting up on Saturdays at Hyde Market.

Sweet Lily Peas sells baby and children's wear whilst Wear It Love It specialises in ladies fashion wear.

When I spoke to one of the stallholders she said she was liking Hyde Market a lot better than Ashton so the stall will become a regular sight here.

A contribution to ABC Wednesday and signs, signs.


  1. Nice street scene.
    Hope everybody is making good sales.
    Happy ABCW!

  2. Some similar vendors turn up at our markets, though not so much in winter.

  3. I like outdoor markets. Wish we had one in our area.

  4. The Christmas Fayre starts here today, it's the only outdoor market in Llandudno these-days... and that's only for four days!

  5. Here must be something for everyone. Wirh five small grandchildren, my wife would have loved this.

  6. This looks to be a place I'd frequent. Good prices?
