Wednesday 12 September 2012

ABC Wednesday: I is for Industry

The view is from the towpath of the Peak Forest Canal looking across to the site of the former Toray Mill.

See what was here in 2008 on Hyde Daily Photo Volume 1.

On the left some bricks of the original mill still stand.

On the right is a modern metal-clad shed which is home to a "light industrial unit".

A contribution to ABC Wednesday.


  1. the reflection is very nice.

  2. erosion or deconstruction has set in, it appears
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. The site looks a bit forlorn, but the reflections brightens it a bit. Kate, ABC Team

  4. Lovely reflection in photo ~ 'sort of symbolic' of industry and nature ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    Thanks for coming by ^_^

  5. That industry gone the way of the Dodo bird. Going. going, gone!
