On Saturday it was the annual show hosted by Denton Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society and Haughton Green Gardening Society at the Methodist church on Crook Street.
We were there in the morning when the displays were arriving. There were several classes for daffodils and these took my eye. We didn't stay for the show itself so whether or not they caught the judge's eye I cannot say.
A contribution to Mellow Yellow Monday.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Sunday Bridges: Great Norbury Street Railway Bridge
This view is from the steps leading up to the Manchester-bound platform of Hyde Central Station where from the top of the bridge you'll get a view of the town.
I showed you the bridge from the other side of Great Norbury Street in January 2011.
A contribution to Sunday Bridges at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.
I showed you the bridge from the other side of Great Norbury Street in January 2011.
A contribution to Sunday Bridges at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.
Saturday, 28 April 2012
The View from Hyde Central Station

Looking over the town from Hyde Central station. On the left is the Town Hall. On the right is St George's Church at the top of Great Norbury Street. The dominant building with the white roof is the Asda supermarket.
A contribution to The Weekend in Black and White.
Places of Worship,
Town Hall
Friday, 27 April 2012
Skywatch Friday: Demolishing The Shell Station
The Shell filling station on Dowson Road is now fenced off. It will be closed for 13 weeks while it is completely revamped. Here the pumps and canopy roof have already gone and they are tearing down the canopy supports.
You can see how it used it look in a post from January 2012.
A later view showing them digging down for the old fuel tanks can be found on Hyde DP Xtra.
Today's post is a contribution to Skywatch Friday and Friday Fences.
You can see how it used it look in a post from January 2012.
A later view showing them digging down for the old fuel tanks can be found on Hyde DP Xtra.
Today's post is a contribution to Skywatch Friday and Friday Fences.
Construction Work,
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Cheetham Fold Road
This photo of Cheetham Fold Road was taken on a sunny Sunday in mid-February and has been in my archives awaiting an opportunity for me to publish it and I thought it was probably about time it had an airing.
Cheetham Fold Road runs off Apethorn Road near Gerrards Hollow and leads down to Cheetham Fold and the bottom of Knott Lane.
There are a couple more photos of Cheetham Fold Road on Hyde DP Xtra.
Cheetham Fold Road runs off Apethorn Road near Gerrards Hollow and leads down to Cheetham Fold and the bottom of Knott Lane.
There are a couple more photos of Cheetham Fold Road on Hyde DP Xtra.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
ABC Wednesday: O is for Oasis
The "Oasis" on Market Street is one of Hyde's numerous takeaway outlets. It has been around for more twenty-five years as have the travel agents next door and "Tea at 77" so it is well extablished.
For more "O"s visit ABC Wednesday.
For more "O"s visit ABC Wednesday.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Benches in Hyde Park
Benches around a tree overlooking the Garden of Tranquility. In the background are the toilet block (built 2005) and the Junior Orchard.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Mellow Yellow Monday: Last Tuesday
This week's contribution to Mellow Yellow Monday is a photograph taken last Tuesday morning showing the ongoing renovation work on Hyde Market.
Compare with how it looked a month ago. Now there is even tarmac over some of the double-yellow lines.
The signpost on the left is the one seen in my post of 19th April.
Compare with how it looked a month ago. Now there is even tarmac over some of the double-yellow lines.
The signpost on the left is the one seen in my post of 19th April.
Construction Work,
Town Hall
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Shadow Shot Sunday: Brookbank Folly Castle
The castellated folly castle overlooking Godley Brook lies in the back garden of Brookbank House. The house was built in 1837 by Joseph Hibbert, the sixth of fourteen children of Randal Hibbert. The Hibbert family of Godley played an important part in the history of Hyde and its neighborhood, figuring amongst the pioneers of the cotton industry.
The castle folly was probably built around the mid part of the 19th century. In the mid-1990s there were plans by the then owners to restore the building and open it up to the public. See Hyde Cheshire.
Now it belongs to the Brookbank Day Nursery and public access to the folly is not permitted. It can however be viewed from this footpath on the North side of the Godley Brook.
Another view of the folly can be seen on Hyde DP Xtra and a larger monochrome view can be seen on my photoblog sithenah.
A contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday.
Arts and crafts,
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Weekend Reflections (in Black & White): Town Hall Tower in a Puddle
This was the scene on Hyde Market on Easter Saturday.
To see the wider, coloured version visit Hyde DP Xtra.
This is a contribution to The Weekend in Black and White and Weekend Reflections.
To see the wider, coloured version visit Hyde DP Xtra.
This is a contribution to The Weekend in Black and White and Weekend Reflections.
Construction Work,
Town Hall
Friday, 20 April 2012
Looking over Woodend Allotments

Many of the allotments on the side of Woodend Lane have been abandoned (mainly due to the work of vandals) and some of the trees have been felled. Now a view is afforded across the valley of the Gower Hey Brook. Some allotments half-way down the valley are still maintained. Werneth Low can be seen on the horizon.
Compare with the view in April 2011 and the one from the opposite direction about a century ago.
There is another view of the allotments on Hyde DP Xtra.
A contribution to Friday Fences.
Gower Hey Woods,
Thursday, 19 April 2012
A bicycle and a sign

I captured this photograph of a bicycle chained to the signpost outside the White Lion on Easter Saturday.
With the normal Sheffield stands not available while the first phase of the market renovation takes place, the owner obviously thought the signpost would make an alternative parking stop. Behind the sign is an area fenced off as a works unit.
More photos from the renovation work taken on Easter Saturday can be seen on Hyde DP Xtra.
A contribution to signs, signs.
Construction Work,
Inns and pubs,
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
ABC Wednesday: N is for New Phone Masts

A couple of month's back I showed you the men fitting new phone masts on the Redfern Industrial Estate.
Here is how they look now.
See the ones round the corner on Hyde DP Xtra.
For more "N" posts visit ABC Wednesday.
Construction Work,
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
St George's from Hyde Central Station

My contribution to Ruby Tuesday this week is a view from Hyde Central station looking over the roofs of the redbrick houses on Great Norbury Street towards St George's church.
Places of Worship,
Monday, 16 April 2012
Mellow Yellow Monday: Manchester Road from Hyde Central Station

I'm not sure if the paintwork on the inside of the bridge is yellow or not but it is certainly yellowing.
The yellow building on the left is "Cartridge World" and on the right between "KwikFit" and "B&Q" can be seen "Topps Tiles".
A contribution to Mellow Yellow Monday.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Car Wash

The car wash on Manchester Road at the top of Wellington Street.
I am away in St Annes until tomorrow. A series of posts have been scheduled over the period but as I expect to be offline they won't be tweeted by me nor posted on Facebook.
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Kensington Gardens

Accessible social housing near the entrance to Hyde Cemetery.
I am away in St Annes until next Monday. A series of posts have been scheduled over the period but as I expect to be offline they won't be tweeted by me nor posted on Facebook.
Friday, 13 April 2012
Croft Millennium Green 2010

Today's photo is by Mavis Nichols. It was taken in July 2010 and shows a game of cricket on the Croft Millennium Green. Since then a Multi-Use Games Area has been constructed on the Green.
In the background is the Theatre Royal. Muriel is secretary of the Theatre Royal Onward Trust dedicated to seeing it eventually reopen.
I am away in St Annes until next Monday. A series of posts have been scheduled over the period but as I expect to be offline they won't be tweeted by me nor posted on Facebook.
Guest photo,
Open spaces,
Thursday, 12 April 2012
A reminder of Ethel Austin

The former Ethel Austin store on Market Street has been gone for two years and is now an electrical goods shop. At the rear though on the Long Meadow car park the name sign is still evident.
I am away in St Annes until next Monday. A series of posts have been scheduled over the period but as I expect to be offline they won't be tweeted by me nor posted on Facebook.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
The former Manchester Arms

This building on the corner of Great Norbury Street and Railway Street was formerly the Manchester Arms.
I am away in St Annes until next Monday. A series of posts have been scheduled over the period but as I expect to be offline they won't be tweeted by me nor posted on Facebook.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Garden of Tranquility

The Garden of Tranquility in Hyde Park is a memorial for those patients who suffered at the hands of Harold Shipman.
The garden includes a granite trickle fountain, designed by Mel Chantry and is surrounded by herbs reclaimed from the old Newton Lodge which once sat on the site.
I am away in St Annes until next Monday. A series of posts have been scheduled over the period but as I expect to be offline they won't be tweeted by me nor posted on Facebook.
Hyde Park,
Public Art
Monday, 9 April 2012
Over the Duckboards: 6 years of Hyde DP

This photograph of the duckboards over marshy ground in Gower Hey Woods is in the opposite direction to the one on my post twelve months ago on Hyde DP Vol.1 (2006-2011).
I can't believe it is now six years since I started these blogs.
I am away in St Annes until next Monday. A series of posts have been scheduled over the period but as I expect to be offline they won't be tweeted by me nor posted on Facebook.
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Junior Orchard Shadows

The orchard in Hyde Park was created by local schoolchildren in November 2010.
See how it looked in June 2011.
A contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday.
From Monday afternoon I shall be away in St Annes for a week. A series of posts have been scheduled for the period but as I expect to be offline they won't be tweeted by me nor posted on Facebook.
Saturday, 7 April 2012
Weekend Reflections at the Bush

The Bush Inn on Market Street has closed recently. All the signage has been taken down. The doors and windows have been covered up with some clear plastic sheeting. The reflection shows the sign for the school opposite.
Photographs of the pub itself and information about its history can be found on Hyde DP Xtra.
Check out more Weekend Reflections.
Friday, 6 April 2012
Junction of Walker Lane

Behind the fence on the corner of Lumn Road and Walker Lane is a small open space.
Across Walker Lane is what used to be the Globe Inn but which has since been converted into a residential property. See the conversion underway in November 2011 and check out how the pub looked just half a decade ago.
On the right a Stott's bus can be seen heading down Lumn Road.
A contribution to Friday Fences.
Open spaces,
Thursday, 5 April 2012
CDPB April Theme: Cobblestones

A look down the side the Manchester Road bridge over the Peak Forest Canal. The roving bridge which is Grade II listed was built to allow horses pulling boats to change sides without being unhitched when the towpath moved from one side to the other. For another view of this bridge and a fuller explanation of the term "roving bridge" see my post from December 2008.
The City Daily Photo portal is now back up and running. The theme day for April has been extended. Click here to view thumbnails for all participants.
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
ABC Wednesday: L is for Lumn Road Triangle

At the junction with Norman Street and Tom Shepley Street, Lumn Road opens up around a triangle. There used to be three trees but now there are only two.
For more "L" posts visit ABC Wednesday.
Tuesday, 3 April 2012
New tarmac on Market Street

Last week I showed you the Sheffield stands on Market Street that had been moved as part of the work on the refurbishment of Hyde Market. Well a week later and the traffic lights are on red; the nearby litter-bin has been removed, as have the old setts. Most of the area has now been tarmacced over. Meanwhile Madge's ice-cream van is on hand to serve Saturday shoppers despite the dramatic drop in temperature.
Another contribution to Ruby Tuesday.
Monday, 2 April 2012
No Need for Panic!

The day after the Government urged motorists to top-up but not panic-buy the Shell Garage on Dowson Road was seeing a steady stream of cars queuing up.
I'm told the queues at 7am were much longer.
Petrol was priced at 138.9 pence per litre and diesel at 145.9 ppl.
See how it looked 20 minutes earlier and a day later on Hyde DP Xtra.
A contribution to Mellow Yellow Monday
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Cobbled Path to Osborne Road

The cobbled path leading out of Gower Hey Woods towards Osborne Road. In the mid-19th century this was a busy road sett leading to an industrial complex in the valley but none of that now remains.
The coloured version of this photograph can be seen on Geograph.
A contribution to Cobblestones, the CDPB theme for April 2012,
The Weekend in Black and White and
Shadow Shot Sunday.
Gower Hey Woods,
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