Tuesday, 6 January 2015

From books to pills and potions

This building used to be Newton Library - it closed in October 2012 - see Hyde DP Xtra for a pre-closure view.

Now it has been converted into a pharmacy so at least it is still providing some kind of local service.

See our post of 18th December 2014 for the latest on the state of the main library in Hyde.

A contribution to Our World Tuesday.


  1. It is good that the building is still in use.. I wish you all the best in 2015, a happy & healthy New Year!

  2. It was a neat little building. At least this is a better use for it than some other re-purposing.

  3. Interesting photo and symptomatic of everything changing so quickly ~ Love libraries and maybe if some people read more like they used we wouldn't need medications ~ Brave new world!

    Happy New Year to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  4. That's always good when a building is reused rather than torn down. I wonder if the feel of books is still in the air.
