Thursday, 2 May 2013

Sign at Garden Street Recreation Ground

The recreation ground off Garden Street, Newton consists mainly of two football pitches.

Here dog-walkers are unwelcome.

For signs, signs.


  1. That sign would be understandable when, I imagine, many would sit around on the ground to watch matches!

  2. I guess a photo with a circle and a line drawn through it of a picture of a dog pooping is out of the question? ;)

    1. O there is one of those as well - and another that says there's a maximum fine of £1000 for allowing your dog to foul.

  3. I suspect that this could be said in less than 18 words :-)

  4. So civilized, and I bet your countrymen do obey the sign.

  5. That gives me a reason why no dogs are allowed!

  6. This makes the point quite well. It couldn't be any clearer. Lovew the use of the work "foul". Very classy. genie

  7. re RunE's comment, sometimes I think a sign that simply said "don't ___" would be ignored more often than one that required you to actually read the 18 words.
    I could be wrong about that, but it would make me read it.

  8. The conflict between dog walkers and other park users has been a major division of city dwellers. Unfortunately the irresponsible actions of a few make life hard for many people, and creates the need for signs like this.
