Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Festival of the Equinox

The equinox marks the passage of time and the changing of the seasons. In this material day and age it affects not just the natural world but the commerical one too.

Here in Clarendon Shopping Centre, where a travel agents has closed and moved on, a new business is moving in. I could be mistaken, but it appears to be a new clothing store despite similar stores having failed before.

Hopefully this one will grow and blossom past spring and summer and into autumn.

Festival of the Equinox is a theme for City Daily Photoblogs. Visit the other participants.

Also for Our World Tuesday.


  1. Hope the succeed. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. Yes, I hope they succeed, too! We're all seeing too much failure in businesses these days! Have a good week, Gerald!

  3. A promise in the making.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

  4. I share your good wishes for the new shop. It's seems an act of bravery to open a retail business in this economic climate.

  5. Fingers crossed. Perhaps there on the right track. Travel has become a real Internet business these days. Those models in the window suggest hey might be aiming at individual tailoring. Now there's something that need personal attention.

  6. It is sad to see the demise of so many shops in our towns. How refreshing to see this shop has been given a new life.

  7. It may be a new shop opening but the emptiness makes it a sad picture.

  8. Oh, meant to ask . . . I'm revising the list of people following particular trees this year. Will you be making tree following posts? Shall I keep your link there?

  9. At least the can get 20% off next door ...

  10. You would think that retailers would learn from the fate of others. Perhaps though, they have a particular range, although the layout does not appear in the least swanky or modern, even. Maybe it is nowt but a 'pop up' shot. We have loads of them over here at the moment. From equinox to equinox ...

    Thanks for contributing to the Festival of the Equinox, Gerald. I appreciate your support.

  11. Just in time for new seasons clothes.

  12. Indeed, shops keep closing and some new business get to take over the space but some spaces are left just unoccupied....is pretty worrying to look at...
    Anyway, changes happen just like the seasons change in nature, is natural.

  13. Actually I passed by again this morning and it seems to be yet another charity shop. It seems to have some nice stuff in and a sign said it was opening next Wednesday (27th).

  14. A charity shop is always good Gerald, let's hope it does well..

  15. We've had many shops close in our small town but one of our charity shops just moved into a larger space that had been vacant for some time. It's sad to see the empty spaces. Some people have simply chosen to retire, but for others it was a failed dream.

  16. Another very cool interpretation of the theme! This is certainly a rebirth of sorts. Nicely done.

  17. I had to STOP and take a look!:)
