Friday, 20 July 2012

Shell open again

After its extensive refurbishment, the Shell filling station on Dowson Road is open again.

I noticed that unleaded petrol is priced at 128.9 ppl and diesel at 131.9 ppl which makes the former a penny dearer and the latter a penny cheaper than the price at Morrisons.

For Skywatch Friday.


  1. I tried to do the conversion and the math. Does that price translate to about $6US per gallon?

    1. 1 litre = 0.22 UK gallons or 0.26 US gallons £129 is around £200 at current exchange rates so I think it works out about $7.65 per USgal

  2. I like the composition - the way the vertical lines of the pole and the sign intersect with the orange canopy and the street markings
