Friday, 16 January 2015

Skywatch Friday: Newton Library err sorry Pharmacy

Today's photograph was taken less than a minute after the one I posted last week: Contrails over Talbot Road.

This is the view in the opposite direction over what used to be Newton Library but is now Newton Pharmacy.

If you look closely at last week's photo you'll see an aeroplane coming in on the left en route for Manchester Airport. Here it can be seen in the centre of the sky heading on its way with a couple of birds flying off on the left.

A contribution to Skywatch Friday.


  1. I like when something happens in the sky

  2. Getting the plane and the birds in the same shot just makes it all the better.

  3. You got the plane coming and going!

  4. Nice sky!
    Happy Sky Watch Friday!

  5. besdies the lovely sky, I'm just enjoying a roadway without snow!
    HapPy weekending...
