Thursday, 9 October 2014

Cockerel sign near Donald Avenue

On Saturday I posted a close-up in black and white and asked who knows what this is?

Most people were puzzled by it but one commentator did recognise it as being on the Trans Pennine Trail and National Cycle Network Route 62.

Several Sustrans Millennium Mileposts have been erected this year on the stretch between Apethorn and Godley. This one near Donald Avenue is of "The Cockerel" design by Iain McColl and has yet to be painted.

A contribution to signs, signs.


  1. It certainly grabs one's attention.

  2. I can honestly say that I didn't have a clue :-)
    Well done!

  3. There sure are a lot of this style sign posts in your area. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Nice! Your series of signs has been fun to see.

  5. Ok... I need to look up the definition .. But it is a graceful sculpture and fancy sin.

  6. Excellent Gerald. It is about 3 years since I walked along there... the next time I feel up to it I must get down there and have a look. I thought it was a salad server... ha!

  7. It sits very elegantly in its surroundings.
