Monday, 4 August 2014

Convolvulus / Bindweed / Morning Glory

This noxious weed known to Americans as "Morning glory" finds it way everywhere. I came across this flower, which appears to have popped its seeds out inside the petals, by a path overlooking Gower Hey Brook.

A contribution to Macro Monday.


  1. I know what you mean by noxious, really hard to get rid of. But the flowers are kind of pretty.

  2. Wonderful details from the Glockenblume!
    Hugs Riv

  3. Weeds can be quite beautiful. This one in all its 'glory'.

  4. Refined sorts 'Morning Glory' are just beautiful. This wild white one also, but it is hopeless to get rid of! I see tiny flies inside it?

  5. They were coming up in my grandkids' garden. I haven't seen them much in mine. The flowers are cute, but if I see them I pull them up.
