Thursday, 27 February 2014

No Smoking including ...

The new style of No Smoking signs now specifically refer to E-cigarettes.

The alternatives may be popular with several shops in town promoting them, but the majority of places seem to find them equally objectionable.

A contribution to signs, signs.


  1. (◕‿◕。) good one; have a nice Wednesday

    much love...

  2. I haven't seen a sign like that here, but I have no idea how prevelent the use of those are.

  3. ^^ Funny comment, Jim! I have not been exposed much to e-cigarettes, but I am definitely ok with banning all types of smoking. I don't understand why anyone would take up such a terrible habit, especially when we now know how dangerous they are.

  4. It would be nice if EVERYONE quite smoking. We'd have a healthier world.

  5. Extra work for sign makers!
