Monday 16 December 2013

Crumbs on the Civic Square

Yesterday I showed you the Church carol singers on Hyde Civic Square.

They were giving out free mince pies to passing shoppers, which led to the falling of a few crumbs on the ground but they were soon swept up.

A contribution to Blue Monday.


  1. Great blue post!
    Happy Blue Monday!

  2. Hello Gerald,

    I haven't had mince pie since I was a little girl.

    Dogs are helpful street cleaners, aren't they? Pretty blue leash.

    I look forward to reading your comment on my blog. Please return and leave one.
    Happy Blue Monday!

  3. The dog seems enjoying the mince pie :)

  4. Yes, dogs are certainly effective with clean up, aren't they? :^)

  5. My mother used to make mince pies but I didn't get into it. I can see it being a British thing. Happy Blue Monday!
