Thursday, 15 August 2013

Signs on The Theatre Royal

A "To let/may sell" notice has gone up on the side of the Theatre Royal.

Whilst that might seem like bad news for theatre lovers it isn't so as any interested party needs to understand that the theatre is a Grade 2 listed building. As such, listed building consent must be applied for in order to make any changes to the building which might affect its special interest.

The Theatre Royal Trust have drawn up an options appraisal which should allow the building to be used as a cinema/theatre in the future.

A contribution to signs, signs.


  1. And now hoping that somebody takes the bait. Difficult in these times.

  2. I hope someone buys it for the stated purpose.... beautiful old building.

  3. hope it gets bought and renovated.

  4. The Royal Theater needs to find a producer who is looking for a theater. Live theater is a great joy.

  5. at first when i read "to let" i thought it was missing an "i" and you had another loo post, lol..."royal toilet"! we don't see the words "to let" here...great old building...hope the new owner takes good care of her!

  6. I hope the old owner takes good care of her until it's sold! So many buildings deteriorate from abandonment.

  7. Lesley that is unlikely here in Thanet a building was handed back to the council in a deplorable state after being empty it is a wreck and the council tax payers will end up footing the bill.

    Nice pictures as always Gerald
