Sunday, 28 April 2013

Lamb shadows

I posted a photograph of the Lamb Inn in August 2010 and earlier in December 2008.

It was a very different place a century ago.

This is how it looked a week last Saturday afternoon. A sign says "Under New Management" but it looks closed and shadows of trees are creeping across the road towards it.

A contribution to Shadow Shot Sunday.


  1. Wonderful looking old inn and wonderful shadow shots for the day, Gerald!! Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!

  2. give the new management a go it may be the new hit of the town before you know it

  3. It looks like an agreeable place - that is, if it's open. Attractive in style, should the food, service and beer go beyond merely attractive, it could be a winner. We hope, as local commerce will be the better for it and perhaps siphon off some of the patrons from the national restaurant chains. We can all hope for the best!

  4. Nice shadow ! I bet in summer it must be heavy !

  5. Very typically English - great shadow patterns

  6. Hate lamb, but love the look of building and shadows.

  7. yes they are creeping closer!! the people looked different a century ago as well.

  8. Love the comparison photo Gerald, fascinating to see how different things were..

  9. Cool place. Too bad it's not open. Looks like the kind of place I could sink into and have a pint.

  10. interesting
    love the old and new comparisons in photography in general
