Sunday, 20 January 2013

Under Knott Fold Bridge

Following on from last week's photograph New Year's Day on the Trans Pennine Trail we now look under Knott Fold Bridge.

On the left horses have to negotiate a small jump and then move across to the right hand side of the track.

The track is barred by a gate which is locked but can be used by council vehicles that service the trail from time to time.

Walkers and cyclists must use the squeeze stile on the right.

Ahead is the bridge under Dowson Road (the one with the big puddle).

For Sunday Bridges at San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.


  1. A great picture, and yes, like such bridges much. Please have a good Sunday.

  2. «Louis» sees the Dowson Road bridge in the background, so you got a "twofer" today, Gerald!
    Thank you for your contribution to Sunday Bridges!

  3. It sort of looks as though there is a canal missing, but I have a biased eye in that regard!

    Sunshine Coast Daily Photo - Australia
